🚨Fraud Alert: Impersonation Scam🚨
Attention Customers, Vendors & Partners
We have been alerted to a scam involving individuals impersonating Watermark Marine Construction. They are using a fake email (info@watermarkmarines.com) and phone number (603-267-4194) to request quotes for products.
If you receive a suspicious request, DO NOT respond.
✅ Verify by contacting us directly at 603-293-4000 or info@watermarkmarine.com.
We have reported this to authorities and appreciate your vigilance.

Boathouse Construction in the Lakes Region and Beyond

Boathouses are a quintessential highlight of many New Hampshire lake front properties; especially on Lakes Winnipesaukee and Lake Sunapee.
Watermark Marine specializes in boathouse re-construction and often work our winter schedule around rebuilding many of the older “grandfathered” structures around New Hampshire. Whether working with the home owner directly or partnering with their chosen architect/general contractor, Watermark Marine provides more history and direct experience than any other marine contractor in New Hampshire.